In past before Covid, the Association ran an Apprentice competition with the winner then going on to carry out overseas voluntary work through Rotary.
We would like to start up this competition again and would invite you to nominate your apprentices for the competition. This is open to all ages of apprentices in all trades.
The Time table will be as follows:
The nomination forms need to be returned by 28th February 2025 12 noon
During March the Directors of the Association will choose 6-8 finalists
Late March/ early April we will invite the finalists for an interview, the finalists will provide a CV and why they want to do overseas voluntary work.
Winners announced in April, we will pick two apprentices to go on the trip.
The winners will carry out voluntary work in June or September in Nepal. As Rotary do not current have an overseas project we will use one of the these recognised organisations who have years of experience sending people overseas to volunteer.
Winners to carry out a presentation at the AGM in November about the Voluntary work they did
Each nominated apprentice will receive a £25 tool voucher
Losing Finalists will receive a £50 tool voucher.
All expenses for the trip for the winners will be paid by the Association.
We believe this is a great opportunity for your apprentices, previous winners of the competition have said how much a difference this has made to their lives when doing the voluntary work.
I look forward to receiving your nomination forms via email to